January may be cold and dark, but it can also be a time for bold beginnings. Make the most of your month by clearing space in your home, boosting warmth and dreaming up plans for the year ahead. Here are 7 to-dos to give your home a little midwinter TLC.
Clear your pipes Depending on your habits, it might be a good time to clean out your drains and remind yourself what you should and shouldn't be putting down the pipes.
Clean shower heads and taps Sediment and hard water deposits often block the flow of water from your taps and showerheads. For this week's maintenance, keep your taps and showerheads lasting longer by cleaning them.
Remove caulk and recaulk tubs, sinks, etc. If you've noticed that the caulk around your appliances is wearing off or getting moldy, remove it and recaulk. This will keep your plumbing more secure and make sure it lasts for a long period of time.
Get rid of icicles and ice dams You should be doing this all throughout the winter months, but it's a good idea to take some extra time today to make sure there aren't any you've missed. Melting ice can run into your roof, causing leaks, flooding, and major damage to your home's structure.
Check your gutters and drainage With winter comes increased rainfall, so you want to be ready. While cleaning out the gutter isn’t a fun job, it can save you money in the long run. Well maintained gutters can reduce the need to replace them, and the chance of roof damage.
Seal leaky doors and windows Check your windows and doors by opening and closing them. When you close the lock, do you notice a gap between the seals? If you have old windows, you can add new weatherstripping.
Test your sump pump Sump pumps act as the last line of defense against condensation buildup, floods, and water from drains. Test the pump before winter hits. You want to make sure it works; otherwise, you could end up with a flooded basement and foundation damage.