Wrap up summer with these key dates.

National Night Out
A night of neighborhood block parties designed to promote stronger, safer communities. Find a local event near you.

Purple Heart Day
Recognizes recipients of the Purple Heart Medal — the oldest military decoration — which is awarded to soldiers wounded or killed in combat.

National Garage Sale Day
One person’s junk is another person’s treasure! Plan a successful garage sale with these tips.

International Youth Day
This year’s “Transforming Education” theme highlights the need for inclusive and accessible education for young people across the globe.

National Nonprofit Day
A day dedicated to all the charitable organizations that exist to make the world a better place. How can you give back?

Senior Citizens Day
“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.” — Frank Lloyd Wright

Sandwiched between the Summer Blockbuster season and the back-to-school rush, August is considered a “dump month” for movie releases.
On August 9, 1974, Richard Nixon resigned from the presidency following the Watergate scandal.
This year’s U.S. Open runs Aug. 26 through Sept. 8. Game, set, match!
August is the birth month of Lucille Ball, Louis Armstrong, Neil Armstrong, and Julia Child.