Don’t miss these important dates.

Hope you get plenty of eggs-ercise on your egg hunt. Happy Easter!

National Walking Day Grab your family or a nearby friend and go for a walk! What better way to explore your own neighborhood?

Siblings Day
There’s a special bond between siblings. Whether you were at each other’s throats as kids or you’ve been the bestest friends forever, reach out and say Hey! today.

Ramadan Begins
A month of fasting from dawn to dusk, culminating with the three-day festival of Eid al-Fitr.

Earth Day This year’s theme, Restore Our Earth, focuses on actions like reforestation and sustainable food production.

National Superhero Day If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? And more importantly: cape or no cape?

Some people say that “pets are the new babies.” In fact, 66% of American households have a pet or plan to get one, and nearly 95% of pet owners consider their pets’ needs when looking
for a new home.[1]

[1] National Association of REALTORS®, “Animal House: Pets in the Home Buying and Selling Process.” April 2020.
[2] World Atlas, “The Most Popular Animals Owned as Pets in the US.” August 20, 2020.
[3] Statista.